On Saturday, August 9, enjoy some live music from the Burnet Summer Concert Series in Haley Nelson Park off of Hwy 29 (http://www.cityofburnet.com/documents/Poster.pdf)
This concert features Kyle Park (www.kylepark.com) and the admission is $10.
The flyer from the city suggests bringing lawn chairs for this outdoor concert, and coolers are welcome!
A short 20 minute drive down the road, Marble Falls is hosting their annual Lakefest Boat Races (Friday - Show and Shine, Saturday - races and Deacon Willie concert in Johnson Park, and Sunday - races/finals)
Tickets are $25 for race days and $45 for a three-day pass. Available online (http://www.marblefallslakefest.com) , at the gate, or call the Marble Falls Chamber of Commerce (www.marblefalls.org)
And... it's grape harvest season! That means that the Burnet area vineyards and wineries - we like to call them the "Wines Off 29" - will be hosting stomps and special events this month. We will blog more about the grape stomps in the next post. Here are the websites for the four wineries that are near The Verandas Guest House:
Fall Creek Vineyards, Tow (www.fcv.com)
Perissos Vineyard, off Park Road 4 (www.perissos.com)
Pilot Knob VIneyard, outside Bertram (www.pilotknobvineyard.com)
Texas Legato Winery, just south of Lampasas (http://www.texaslegatowinery.net/)
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