The Hill Country is a great area for runners, cyclists, swimmers, triathletes, etc. to test their skills. Besides local 5Ks and 10Ks, more rugged areas such as Inks Lake State Park and Reveille Peak Ranch near Burnet, Texas have events for athletes of all kinds. The Houston Room at the
Verandas Guest House has been a popular room for race participants to rest up prior to race day, and with its modern tub and shower, to clean up after the race was done!
One of the events that has been announced for November 2014 is
The Lonestar Granite Enduro on November 15 and November 16 -- a challenging 1 or 2 day cycling event at Reveille Peak Ranch - more information is available on their
Facebook Event Page.
The following week - November 22 - Reveille Peak Ranch will host the
Reveille Peak 100 mountain bike race. This race is being presented by
Terra Firma Racing and has solo and team categories.
Whether you are a participant or a spectator, The Verandas is a relaxing and restful place to prepare for or wind down after a race! Visit us online at or call (512) 588-0088 to reserve your room!