Pokemon Go! is a popular app that was released this week. Since The Verandas Guest House in Burnet is a Texas historic site (The Galloway House), we are a "PokeStop" where players can earn / win items for their game.
We have seen excited youngsters lingering at the Centennial Marker on the corner of Pierce and League Streets building their Pokedex. Players tell us that you can catch Rattata and Paras on the sidewalk outside the fence of The Verandas. We hope players use good safety sense and look before crossing the street to catch their Pokemon near The Verandas / Galloway House. We also ask that you please be courteous to our guests and not come inside the fence. Have fun "catching them all!"
Millennials, remember we are more than just a historic building and PokeStop. If you are enjoying playing this version of a favorite throwback childhood game, and you would like to stay overnight, please call us at (512) 588-0088 or reserve online at verandasburnet.com.